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CSCI 3130 - Assembly and Computer Organization
Prerequisite: CSCI 2170 with a grade of C (2.0) or better and MATH 1730 or MATH 1810 with a grade of C (2.0) or better or ACT math score of 26 or better or calculus placement test score of 73 or better. Assembly language and the organization and basic architecture of computer systems. Topics include hardware components of digital computers, microprogramming, and memory management. Laboratory exercises involve logical, functional properties of components from gates to microprocessors. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory.
4.000 Credit hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Combined Lecture/Lab

Computer Science Department

Course Attributes:
College of Basic & Applied, Credit from 4-Year College, Upper-Division Work

for CSCI 3130

General Requirements:
Course or Test: CSCI 2170
Minimum Grade of C
May not be taken concurrently. )

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